Welcome!![]() Welcome to ClinicalSexologist.ca, the website of Dr. Ashleigh Turner. Dr. Turner is located in Vancouver, B.C. and is accepting new clients who are interested in enriching their sex lives and sexuality. If you are curious about what sexology is, and if it would be the right fit for you, email Dr. Turner atdrashleighturner[AT]gmail.com for more information.
I look forward to hearing from you! |
Dr Turner has Twitter!
Dr. Ashleigh Turner is now on Twitter, SexWithAshleigh. Follow Dr. Turner on Twitter by clicking here! Get updates, quick information, or ask Dr. Turner a question!
Dr Turner has a Facebook fan page!
Join Dr Turner's fan page on Facebook!
Click here to like Dr Turner on Facebook, and to get updates from Dr. Turner.
Click here to like Dr Turner on Facebook, and to get updates from Dr. Turner.
Dr Turner is part of the Won't Get Weird Network
Dr. Turner is now part of the Wont Get Weird Network. The goal of the Won't Get Weird Network is to provide non-judgmental information about sexual health and sexuality related questions. WontGetWeird, is brought to you by Options for Sexual Health, the leading sexual and reproductive health Services agency in the province. Options for Sexual Health has been providing health care to British Columbians for more than 40 years.
Dr Turner partners with Cross Roads Clincis
Dr.Turner is pleased to announce she is now part of the larger Cross Roads Clinics family, and will be seeing clients at the Crossroads Medical Clinic located at 507 W.Broadway, Vancouver. Call 604-872-5401 to book your appointment!
For more information on the Cross Roads Clinics, please click here.
For more information on the Cross Roads Clinics, please click here.
Dr. Turner is a sponsor of LACEcampaign.com!

Dr Turner is proud to announce that she is a supporter of the LACEcampaign; a campaign aimed at reminding women to get their annual pap tests done. Annual pap tests are a vital part of maintaining healthy sexual functioning! Click on the image or visit www.LACEcampaign.com for more details!